Her Personal Portrait

Hey! I’m Tammy

I started my career at 19 capturing women on my film camera. From there I have expanded to holding space for women to share their stories via The Well Collab and Inner Illume. I love women, truly deeply madly, and yearn to amplify their light within.

In every woman,
There is a need to be truly seen. This is what I am uncovering in, her personal portrait.

Women often have a preconceived idea of what they look like,
of how they want to pose to conceal their ‘flaws’.

I don’t believe we have any flaws, only beauty marks and unique distinct experiences.

I desire to capture women honestly, as you are, to show you the
depth and strength
of your spirit.

pkg 1_

1 -2 hour session
100 digital images (for your personal use)
$600 deposit due at time of booking

pkg 2_

1 - 2 hour session
50 image digitals (for your personal use)
$400 deposit due at time of booking

pkg 3_

30 minute session
15 image digital files (for your personal use)
$225 deposit due at time of booking

I’d love to make create magic with you, capture your essence, your wholeness.

I am here to guide you, to laugh alongside you, to encourage you all the way.

With over 25 years experience photographing women, I am best at putting you at ease and drawing out your true self in the most flattering way possible.

I see you, and I can’t wait to take your picture.